AUTOPSY: Baby Was Murdered Before Being Thrown Onto Texas Roadside
Is anyone else sick and tired of seeing headlines like this one?
I swear, I can't read the news anymore without seeing something gruesome about a poor innocent child being victimized. And, all too often, one (or both) of the child's parents is to blame. I ask you: WHO ARE THESE SICKOS???
The only conclusion I can come to is that we in this country have so devalued the precious, irretrievable gift that is human life that now some "parents" don't even care about it anymore. Reality has sunk in. Our culture glorifies death. Abortion is now a togetherness exercise for married couples (see here). Why fight it anymore?
So I'm jumping on the death bandwagon. (Or perhaps the tumbrel. Whatever.) I have yet to get my piece of the action and I can't believe I've waited this long. So...
Travis Mullis, you sick, pathetic weakling, I'm rolling out the welcome mat for you.
Cross my path. I dare you.
Unlike your tiny, innocent, fragile son, I can fight back. I have a gun and a minivan and I'm itching to make you intimately acquainted with both.
Okay, scratch that. I'm probably a little too far gone for the "postpartum depression" defense.
But I'm open to suggestions. What do we do as a society to keep parents from committing violence (of all kinds) against children? Or at least prevent the violently-inclined from reproducing? Help me out here.