Thursday, October 12, 2006
BS and the F-Bomb
The plot thickens.

Two days after Barbra Streisand displayed the richness of her vocabulary on an unwelcome heckler at her October 9th concert, her publicist is claiming that the verbal attack was orchestrated by the Bush administration.

Streisand Heckler a Right-Wing Plant?

Ken Sunshine, publicist for BS, told he suspects the heckler was a Bush . . .er, plant. "There's something a little weird about it," says Sunshine.

I'll say.

New York's Madison Square Garden holds what, about 20,000 fans for concerts? (And we can conclude with absolute certainty that the concert was completely sold out. No need to even look it up.)

So among 20,000 fans there were some -- gasp! -- conservatives there? Then they must be presidential plants! How else can you explain the unsolicited appearance of right-wing, baby-killing, neo-fascist thugs at a concert given by The Star of the Decade -- unless they were compelled to attend by their slavish loyalty to the Master Strategerist himself?

I dunno. Maybe they like music?

But when a Bush impersonator took the stage to portray the President as Idiot-In-Chief, some in BS's audience didn't take it well.

Answering cries of "What is this, a fundraiser?" and "Stick to singing," Streisand replied: "Come on, be polite."

But when one heckler refused to let up, BS responded with a courteous: "Shut the f--- up! Shut up, if you can't take a joke!" She then encouraged the heckler to leave and get his money back.

The heckler left the concert. (It is unknown at this time whether or not he requested a refund.)

Two days later, the only excuse Ms. Streisand's publicist can come up with for her outburst is to accuse the [Evil] Leader of the Free World with plotting to undermine the very fabric of our society . . . by sending his minions to disrupt her show.

He's crafty, that Dubya. Very crafty.

The fact that BS concert-goers paid between $104 and $754 per ticket to attend should serve as ample evidence that her audience has a profound sense of humor. But it still leaves BS's own jocularity in question.

Streisand herself commented later, "the artist's role is to disturb."

Mission accomplished, Babs. Now shut the f--- up.
posted by Abigail Prescott at 11:38 AM ¤ Permalink ¤