Saturday, February 24, 2007
End of An Era
Say goodbye to the "Christian Cruiser."

Yes, the '89 Prelude Scott bought in high school went bye-bye today. Iffy air-conditioning, the Bondo-ed exterior and all 173,000 original miles -- sold for the bargain price of $400 to the friend of our neighbor.
I think it was bittersweet for Scott. Truly, he's had that car longer than he's had me.
But...all for the best. Scott gets my Accord and I get the new wheels (again). There is no justice in the world for the working man.
Still, there is a slight trade-off.
Scott will be driving a comfy, if slightly-used, sedan. I, on the other hand, have bargained away my last fleeting claim to youth for an option-packed, super-safe, ultra-practical Mom Wagon Supreme.
Yes, it's a minivan. Sigh.

But the dying protests of my former self aside, I'm actually looking forward to driving it. I just have to file my misgivings right next to the ones I slogged through on my 30th birthday.
I'm hoping a CD changer and moon roof will help...
posted by Abigail Prescott at 8:56 PM

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Friday, February 23, 2007
WEIRD NEWS: Grandpa Fights Back
Who said the elderly are the most vulnerable members of our society?
Police: Retired U.S. Tourist in Costa Rica Kills Mugger with Bare Hands
A tour bus loaded with geriatric passengers on excursion from a Carnival cruise ship were attacked by three armed muggers. Rather than passively surrender their valuables, these seasoned citizens fought back.
The ultimate hero of the day, a 70-year-old retiree of the U.S. military whose identity was not disclosed, managed to get one of the attackers, 20-year-old Warren Segura, into a headlock, breaking his clavicle and asphyxiating him in the process.
Yeah, that's right. Grandpa killed this pipsqueak with his bare hands!
Costa Rican authorities acknowledge Super Gramps was within his rights and don't intend to file any charges against him for his actions. Labels: weird news
posted by Abigail Prescott at 9:01 AM

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Tuesday, February 06, 2007
And You Thought Your Family Was Creative
As always, there's a story.When I was middle-school age, I spent my first whole week away from home at New Life Ranch. Probably realizing that I might get homesick, I asked my sister and brothers to write me while I was at camp.Fool that I was.Oh course, instead of the loving, hand-written epistles I'd hoped to receive, I got...a collage. The sort of twisted, sarcastic, acerbic, witty creation that belongs in Mad Magazine.To be honest, I was a wee bit upset that my dear siblings twitted me when I was — sniff! sniff! — homesick. Thank God they did.From then on, every time I went away from home for any extended period, including both summers I spent in Florida, I received a similar collage.I'm pretty sure that this one is not the original. By the date (1996), it can't be. But it is the earliest, I think, of the three that I found. Hopefully, I'll unearth the missing collages someday and share them with you, too. 
Labels: collage, nostalgia
posted by Abigail Prescott at 9:47 PM

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Thursday, February 01, 2007
"Drive-By Media"?
I thought some of you might enjoy this little snapshot from Wisconsin.
For all those sanctimonious weathermen who tell viewers not to drive out onto the ice: I say, you might share that tidbit with your news crew.
posted by Abigail Prescott at 2:26 PM

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