Tuesday, February 06, 2007
And You Thought Your Family Was Creative
As always, there's a story.

When I was middle-school age, I spent my first whole week away from home at New Life Ranch. Probably realizing that I might get homesick, I asked my sister and brothers to write me while I was at camp.

Fool that I was.

Oh course, instead of the loving, hand-written epistles I'd hoped to receive, I got...a collage. The sort of twisted, sarcastic, acerbic, witty creation that belongs in Mad Magazine.

To be honest, I was a wee bit upset that my dear siblings twitted me when I was — sniff! sniff! — homesick. Thank God they did.

From then on, every time I went away from home for any extended period, including both summers I spent in Florida, I received a similar collage.

I'm pretty sure that this one is not the original. By the date (1996), it can't be. But it is the earliest, I think, of the three that I found. Hopefully, I'll unearth the missing collages someday and share them with you, too.

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posted by Abigail Prescott at 9:47 PM ¤ Permalink ¤