Hallelujah! Eleven months of instruction and the kid finally runs with it. Keep in mind, he knew what the baby signs meant and had every ability to replicate them, but at last he has decided signing is worth his while and does it voluntarily and on purpose.
We managed to get the sign for "diaper change" a couple of months ago, but that was all until recently when Griffin began to use the sign for "more" -- something we started showing him at age seven months. "Eat" soon followed. Add to that "milk," "cookie," "help," "please," and "bird." Yes, it's a motley mix of signs, but who's complaining?
Griffin has also started to combine signs into semi-phrases. His favorite sign, "cookie," is liable to be seen at any meal including breakfast, but he's also combining it with "more" or "please."
Along with his vocabulary of "mama," "dada," "car," and "clock," and his one animal sound ("What does the kitty cat say?" Answer: "M-Whoa." I swear, he sounds like Joey Lawrence from Blossom) it seems we're well on our way to communicating.