Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Forget the Darwin Awards
Instead, allow me to propose The Andrea Yates Prize for Parenting.

Much like Nobel Laureates, Yates Prize recipients are recognized for extraordinary achievements in their field of specialty, in this case: the soul-less and inhuman mistreatment of their own children.

I won't review the criteria for becoming a recipient, but just in case some raving lunatic out there decides this is an award worth aspiring to, I will mention what our esteemed honorees may win.

While Nobel recipients get a fat purse of 10 million Kroner, Yates Prize winners are entitled to a fair trial by a jury of their peers, a life sentence at the nearest maximum-security, "pound-me-in-the-ass prison," and -- that's right, folks -- an eternity of fiery torment on an all-expenses-paid trip straight to Hell.

(Granted, some past recipients of the Yates Prize have managed to avoid acceptance of their award, but despite the vagaries of our justice system, I believe that last prize is meted out by a more reliable Judge.)

As far as nominees for the Yates Prize, today's news supplied two:

Shoplifter Abandons Baby at Walmart

Women Gives Birth in McDonald's Restroom, Tries to Flush Baby Down Toilet

Unbelievable. Consider yourselves nominated, scumbags.
posted by Abigail Prescott at 2:57 PM ¤ Permalink ¤